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Simoen, Eddy
    Processing Aspects in the Low-Frequency Noise of nMOSFETs on Strained-Silicon Substrates [Електронний ресурс] [Текст] / Eddy Simoen, Geert Eneman, Peter Verheyen та ін. // IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices . — USA, 2006. — 5. — Pp. 1039-1047.

Автор: Simoen Eddy, Eneman Geert, Verheyen Peter, Loo Roger, De Meyer, Claeys Cor

- Ключові слова:

шуми, шумы ; Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor, MOSFET

- Анотація:

The impact of different processing factors on the low-frequency (LF) noise of nMOSFETs fabricated in strainedsilicon (SSi) substrates will be described. It is shown that the use of an SSi substrate can yield improved LF noise performance compared with standard Czochralski silicon material. This is demonstrated for both full-wafer and selective epitaxial SSi material. The lower 1/f noise points to an improved gate oxide quality, i.e., with a lower interface and bulk defect density, and is correlated with the low-field mobility or transconductance of the transistors. At the same time, it will be demonstrated that there exist defectrelated LF noise mechanisms, which generally give rise to excess generation–recombination (GR) noise. Associated with this GR noise, a degradation of either the OFF-state leakage current or the mobility (transconductance) of the devices is observed. It is clear that noise is a sensitive parameter to local defectiveness and may be a useful tool for both materials’ characteriza

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