Автор: Dalapati Goutam, Chattopadhyay Sanatan, Kwa Kelvin, Olsen Sarah, Tsang Y.L., Agaiby Rimoon, ONeill, Dobrosz Piotr, Bull Steve, Asai Masayuki, Sano Atsushi, Hayashi Shigenori, Niwa Masaaki
Ключові слова:
комплементарна логіка на транзисторах метал-окид-напівпровідник, КМОН, комплементарная логика на транзисторах металл-оксид-полупроводник,КМОП, CMOS-technology ; напівпровідники, полупроводники, semiconductors, Halbleiter ; Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor, CMOS
Bi-layer gate stacks consisting of a HfO2 and an interfacial layer are fabricated by remote plasma oxidation (RPO) of Hf metal deposited on an Si substrate. Hf metal is fully oxidized by the RPO even at a temperature as low as 400 .C due to radical oxygens, leading to an improvement in the quality of HfO2 with less impact to the interfacial layer growth. An insufficient oxidation leads to a deterioration of mobility with increasing interface traps and positive bias temperature instability, which is likely caused by the oxygen vacancies acting as traps induced by the remaining Hf metal. The SiO2-like interface improves the mobility with reduced interface states. Full oxidation and the controlled SiO2-like interface demonstrate RPO as a promising way for gate-stack optimization.
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