Автор: Ivanov Pavel, Levinshtein Michael, Agarwal Anant, Krishnaswami Sumi, Palmour John
Ключові слова:
біполярні транзистори, БПТ, биполярные транзисторы, bipolar transistors ; транзистори біполярні, транзисторы биполярные ; кремній, кремний
For 1-kV 30-A 4H-SiC epitaxial emitter n-p-n bipolar junction transistors, the dependences of the common–emitter current gain Вce on the collector current IC were measured at elevated temperatures. The collector–emitter voltage was fixed (at 100 V) to provide an active operation mode at all collector currents varying in a wide range from 150 mA to 40 A (current densities of 24–6350 A/cm2).
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