Ключові слова:
біполярні транзистори, БПТ, биполярные транзисторы, bipolar transistors ; транзистори біполярні, транзисторы биполярные ; гетероструктури, гетероструктуры
The dc performance of a novel InP/InGaAs p-n-p heterostructure-emitter bipolar transistor is first demonstrated. Though the valence band discontinuity at an InP/InGaAs heterojunction is relatively large, the addition of a heavy doped as well as thin p+-InGaAs emitter layer between a p-InP confinement and n+-InGaAs base layers effectively eliminates the potential spike at emitter–base junction, lowers the emitter–collector offset voltage, and increases the barrier for electrons, simultaneously. Experimentally, a high current gain of 88 and a low offset voltage of 54 mV are achieved. To the author’s knowledge, the offset voltage of the studied device is the lowest value among of the InP/InGaAs p-n-p heterojunction bipolar transistors.
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