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Lin, X.
    Local Clustering 3-D Stacked CMOS Technology for Interconnect Loading Reduction [Електронний ресурс] [Текст] / X. Lin, S. Zhang, X. Wu, M. Chan // IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices . — USA, 2006. — 6. — Pp. 1405-1410.

- Ключові слова:

комплементарна логіка на транзисторах метал-окид-напівпровідник, КМОН, комплементарная логика на транзисторах металл-оксид-полупроводник,КМОП, CMOS-technology ; Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor, CMOS

- Анотація:

Athree-dimensional (3-D) stacked CMOS technology is developed to closely pack devices in a number of standard cells to form local clusters. Based on the 3-D stacked CMOS technology, an analysis to extend the technology to implement standard cell-based integrated circuits is performed. It is found that the 3-D stacked CMOS technology can reduce the size of an overall IC by 50% with significant reduction in interconnect delay. A thermal analysis is also performed. It was found that the rise in temperature in 3-D ICs could be lower than that of traditional planar ICs under the condition of same propagation delay since the required power supply voltage of 3-D ICs to achieve the same performance is lower.

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