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Morifuji, E.
    Supply and Threshold-Voltage Trends for Scaled Logic and SRAM MOSFETs [Електронний ресурс] [Текст] / E. Morifuji, T. Yoshida, M. Kanda та ін. // IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices . — USA, 2006. — 6. — Pp. 1427-1432.

Автор: Morifuji E., Yoshida T., Kanda M., Matsuda S., Yamada S., Matsuoka F.

- Ключові слова:

комплементарна логіка на транзисторах метал-окид-напівпровідник, КМОН, комплементарная логика на транзисторах металл-оксид-полупроводник,КМОП, CMOS-technology ; CMOS

- Анотація:

The authors show new guidelines for Vdd and threshold voltage (Vth) scaling for both the logic blocks and the highdensity SRAM cells from low power-dissipation viewpoint. For the logic operation, they have estimated the power and the speed for inverter gates with a fan out = 3. They find that the optimum Vdd is very sensitive to switching activity in addition to the operation frequency. They propose to integrate two sets of transistors having different Vdds on a chip. In portions of the chip with high frequency or high switching activity, the use of H transistors in which Vdd and Vth are moderately scaled is helpful. On the other hand, in low switching activity blocks or relatively low frequency portions, the use of L transistors in which Vdd should be kept around 1–1.2 V is advantageous. A combination of H and L is beneficial to suppress power consumption in the future. They have investigated the yield of SRAM arrays to study the optimum Vdd for SRAM operation. In high-density SRAM, low Vth cause

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  • УДК // Статична пам'ять довільного доступу (SRAM)

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