Ключові слова:
шуми, шумы ; Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor, MOSFET
Low-frequency noise measurements and analysis were performed on n-channel MOSFETs with HfSiON as the gate-dielectric material. The role of SiON interfacial-layer thickness was investigated. It was observed that these fluctuations can be described by the unified flicker-noisemodel that attributes noise to correlated carrier-number/mobility fluctuations due to trapping states in the gate dielectric. The model was modified to include the effect of different gate stack layers on the observed noise. The carrier-number fluctuations were found to dominate over the correlated mobility fluctuations in the measured bias range and more so at the lower gate overdrives. The noise magnitude showed a decrease with increasing SiON interfacial-layer thickness. Furthermore, an inverse-proportionality relationship was revealed between the effective oxide trap density and SiON thickness.
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