Автор: Jia S., Cai Y., Wang D., Zhang B., Lau K.M., Chen K.J.
Ключові слова:
МОН-транзистори, МОП- транзисторы, MOS- transistors ; кремній, кремний ; транзистори, транзисторы, transistors
High-performance enhancement-mode AlGaN/GaN HEMTs (E-HEMTs) were demonstrated with samples grown on a low-cost silicon substrate for the first time. The fabrication process is based on a fluoride- based plasma treatment of the gate region and postgate annealing at 450 .C. The fabricated E-HEMTs have nearly the same peak transconductance (Gm) and cutoff frequencies as the conventional depletion-mode HEMTs fabricated on the same wafer, suggesting little mobility degradation caused by the plasma treatment.
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