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Hardikar, S.
    Transient Substrate Currents in Junction-Isolated Lateral IGBT [Електронний ресурс] [Текст] / S. Hardikar, D.W. Green, E.M.S. Narayanan // IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices . — USA, 2006. — 6. — Pp. 1487-1490.

- Ключові слова:

силова електроніка, силовая электроника ; напівпровідникові пристрої, полупроводниковые устройства ; біполярні транзистори, БПТ, биполярные транзисторы, bipolar transistors ; транзистори біполярні, транзисторы биполярные ; потужні транзистори, мощные транзисторы, power transistors

- Анотація:

In this brief, experimental results of transient substrate currents that occur during clamped inductive switching of a junctionisolated lateral insulated gate bipolar transistor are analyzed. The transient substrate current peak at turn off is broader and higher than the value at turn on. The peak substrate current increases with increasing anode voltage, and anode injection efficiency significantly influences the characteristics of the transient currents. Two-dimensional numerical simulations are used to evaluate the internal dynamics of the device. It is shown that the Kirk effect is responsible for the transient currents during the switching of a lateral insulated gate bipolar transistor.

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