Автор: Lorussi F., Scilingo E.P., Tesconi M., Tognetti A., De Rossi
Ключові слова:
біомеханіка, биомеханика ; датчики (давачі), датчики
In this paper, we report on a new technology used to implement strain sensors to be integrated in usual garments.Aparticular conductive mixture based on commercial products is realized and directly spread over a piece of fabric, which shows, after the treatment, piezoresistive properties, i.e., a change in resistance when it is strained. This property is exploited to realize sensorized garments such as gloves, leotards, and seat covers capable of reconstructing and monitoring body shape, posture, and gesture. In general, this technology is a good candidate for adherent wearable systems with excellent mechanical coupling with body surface. Here, we mainly focused on a sensorized glove able to detect posture and movements of the fingers. It could be used in several fields of application. We report on experimental results of a sensorized glove used as movements recorder for rehabilitation therapies and medicine. Furthermore, we describe a dedicated methodology used to read the output sensors which allowe
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