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Mund, C. W.et
    A Multiparameter Wearable Physiologic Monitoring System for Space and Terrestrial Applications [Електронний ресурс] [Текст] / C.W.et Mund // IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine . — USA, 2005. — 3. — Pp. 382-391.

- Ключові слова:

моніторинг, мониторинг ; електрокардіограми, ЕКГ, электрокардиограммы, ЭКГ,electrocardiograms, ECG

- Анотація:

A novel, unobtrusive and wearable, multiparameter ambulatory physiologic monitoring system for space and terrestrial applications, termed LifeGuard, is presented. The core element is a wearable monitor, the crew physiologic observation device (CPOD), that provides the capability to continuously record two standard electrocardiogram leads, respiration rate via impedance plethysmography, heart rate, hemoglobin oxygen saturation, ambient or body temperature, three axes of acceleration, and blood pressure. These parameters can be digitally recorded with high fidelity over a 9-h period with precise time stamps and user-defined event markers. Data can be continuously streamed to a base station using a built-in Bluetooth RF link or stored in 32 MB of on-board flash memory and downloaded to a personal computer using a serial port. The device is powered by two AAA batteries. The design, laboratory, and field testing of the wearable monitors are described.

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