Ключові слова:
дезоксирибонуклеїнова кислота, ДНК, дезоксирибонуклеиновая кислота ; обробка зображень, обработка изображений, image processing
This paper presents an automated algorithm to determine DNA fragment size from atomic force microscope images and to extract the molecular profiles. The sizing of DNA fragments is a widely used procedure for investigating the physical properties of individual or protein-bound DNA molecules. Several atomic force microscope (AFM) real and computer-generated images were tested for different pixel and fragment sizes and for different background noises.The automated approachminimizes processing time with respect to manual and semi-automatedDNAsizing. Moreover, the DNA molecule profile recognition can be used to perform further structural analysis. For computer-generated images, the root mean square error incurred by the automated algorithm in the length estimation is 0.6% for a 7.8 nm image pixel size and 0.34% for a 3.9 nm image pixel size. For AFM real images we obtain a distribution of lengths with a standard deviation of 2.3% of mean and a measured average length very close to the real one, with an err
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