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L79Lippman, S. B.
    C++ Primer [Текст] / S.B. Lippman, J. Lajoie. — 3rd ed. — Boston : Addison Wesley, 1998. — 1236 p.
ISBN 0-201-82470-1

- Ключові слова:

мови програмування, языки программирования, programming languages, langagues de la programmation, Programmiersprachen ; об'єктно-орієнтоване програмування, ООП, объектно-ориентированное программирование, ООП, object-oriented programming, OOP ; процедурне програмування, процедурное программирование ; C++Primer ; C++, ( Сі плюс плюс, мова, Си плюс плюс, язык)

- Анотація:

Quite a few changes have occurred between the second and third editions of C++ Primer. Most notably, C++ has undergone international standardization, which has not only added new features to the language, such as exception handling, run-time type identification, namespaces, a built-in Boolean data type, and a new cast notation, but has also extensively modified and extended existing features, such as templates, the class mechanism in support of both object-oriented and object-based programming, nested types, and overload function resolution. Perhaps of even more significance, an extensive library is now part of Standard C++, including what was previously referred to as the Standard Template Library, or STL. A new string type, a set of sequence and associative container types — such as vector, list, map, and set — and an extensible collection of generic algorithms to operate on those types are all features of this new standard library. There's not only quite a lot of new material to cover but also new

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