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Young, Jun
    A Miniature UWB Planar Monopole Antenna With 5-GHz Band-Rejection Filter and the Time-Domain Characteristics [Електронний ресурс] [Текст] / Jun Young, Hak Ki, Hyuk Dong та ін. // IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. — USA, 2006. — 5. — Pp. 1453-1460.

Автор: Young Jun, Ki Hak, Dong Hyuk, Seung Sik, SeongOok Park

- Ключові слова:

хвилі, волны, waves ; антени, антенны, antennas

- Анотація:

A planar monopole antenna with a staircase shape and small volume (25х26х1 mm3) is proposed in this paper. With the use of a half-bowtie radiating element, the staircase- shape, and a modified ground plane structure, the proposed antenna has a very wide impedance bandwidth measured at about 11.6 GHz (2.9–14.5 GHz, bandwidth ratio about 1:5) below VSWR 2 including the WLAN band notched in the vicinity of 5 GHz. An omnidirectional radiation pattern is obtained. The group delay which is an indication of linearity between two proposed antennas is less than 1 ns. The electrical characteristics in terms of frequency and time domains and physical ones of the proposed antenna make it attractive for use in ultrawideband (UWB) systems.

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