Ключові слова:
апертурні антени, апертурные антенны ; метод моментів, метод моментов ; похибки, погрешности, computational errors ; моделювання, моделирование, modeling, simulation ; антени, антенны, antennas ; інтегральні рівняння, интегральные уравнения, integral equations ; аналіз, анализ, analysis
A parametric study characterizes the residual errors associated with calculating electromagnetic integral equations using pulse-function expansions. To accomplish this, the integral equations are first reduced to straightforwardly computable convergent integrals of one variable. Pulse-function expansions then lead to approximations based on admittance matrices. Construction of the admittances is an order- operation. Explicitly quantified, contributions by integrand singularities become dominant error contributors if not judiciously treated. For both parallel-plate and rectangular TE -mode waveguides, at most thirteen samples per waveguide-mode half-cycle are sufficient to produce magnitude-residual errors that are less than one percent of the calculated quantity.
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