Ключові слова:
розповсюдження радіохвиль, РРХ, распространение радиоволн ; супутниковий зв'язок, спутниковая связь ; метеорологія, метеорология, meteorologie
A key problem in the efficient use of higher (Ka- and V-band) frequencies lies in the mitigation of propagation impairments caused by meteorological phenomena. The traditional approach to this problem is based upon a relatively simplistic statistical model in the form of a fade margin. At higher frequencies this traditional approach becomes inefficient due to the large margin required. This inefficiency has lead to the introduction of dynamic fade mitigation techniques (FMTs). We present a method of generating attenuation time series that can be used for the development and evaluation of FMTs. The method we propose is based on the use of proven numerical weather prediction models in conjunction with a propagation model. This approach has two unique aspects. First, the spatial correlation and dynamic behavior of the attenuation fields are inherited from the meteorological environment. Second, the model can provide forecasts of attenuation. It is foreseen that this a priori knowledge of the occurrence
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