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Tokgoz, Cagatay
    A UTD Based Asymptotic Solution for the Surface Magnetic Field on a Source Excited Circular Cylinder With an Impedance Boundary Condition [Електронний ресурс] [Текст] / Cagatay Tokgoz, Ronald Marhefka // IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. — USA, 2006. — 6. — Pp. 1750-1757.

- Ключові слова:

імпеданс, импеданс ; поверхневі хвилі, поверхностные волны, surface waves ; електромагнітні завади, электромагнитные помехи

- Анотація:

An asymptotic solution based on the uniform geometrical theory of diffraction (UTD) is proposed for the canonical problem of surface field excitation on a circular cylinder with an impedance boundary condition (IBC). The radius of the cylinder and the length of the geodesic path between source and field points, both of which are located on the surface of the cylinder, are assumed to be large compared to a wavelength. Unlike the UTD based solution pertaining to a perfect electrically conducting (PEC) circular cylinder, some higher order terms and derivatives of Fock type integrals are found to be significantly important and included in the proposed solution. The solution is of practical interest in the prediction of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and electromagnetic interference (EMI) between conformal slot antennas on a PEC cylindrical structure with a thin material coating on which boundary conditions can be approximated by an IBC. The cylindrical structure could locally model a portion of th

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