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Weinmann, Frank
    Ray Tracing With PO/PTD for RCS Modeling of Large Complex Objects [Електронний ресурс] [Текст] / Frank Weinmann // IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. — USA, 2006. — 6. — Pp. 1797-1806.

- Ключові слова:

теорія дифракційного випромінювання, теория дифракционного излучения ; чисельне моделювання, численное моделирование ; фізична оптика, физическая оптика

- Анотація:

The present paper deals with a new efficient approach in order to assess the simulation of scattered fields from arbitrary metallic objects. The basic idea is to combine a ray tracing algorithm with the principles of physical optics (PO) and the physical theory of diffraction (PTD). The ray tracing algorithm stochastically launches discrete rays and uses a ray density normalization. In order to perform simulations at finite objects the PO/PTD formulation is required. Thus, fast intersection routines can be implemented, while the ray density formulation reduces the PO and PTD integrals to a pure sum of ray contributions. Simulation results obtained with this model are verified by comparison with both exact simulations using a method of moments (MoM) code and measurement results, proving an excellent accuracy and fast computation even at complex objects.With this asymptotic approach, scattering properties of large objects that are too complex for exact methods can be analyzed with rather moderate comp

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