Ключові слова:
перетворення зображень, преобразование изображений ; сегментація зображень, сегментация изображений, image segmentation
In this paper, we present two new algorithms for cell image segmentation. First, we demonstrate that pixel classification-based color image segmentation in color space is equivalent to performing segmentation on grayscale image through thresholding. Based on this result, we develop a supervised learning-based two-step procedure for color cell image segmentation, where color image is first mapped to grayscale via a transform learned through supervised learning, thresholding is then performed on the grayscale image to segment objects out of background. Experimental results show that the supervised learning-based two-step procedure achieved a boundary disagreement (mean absolute distance) of 0.85 while the disagreement produced by the pixel classification-based color image segmentation method is 3.59. Second, we develop a new marker detection algorithm for watershed-based separation of overlapping or touching cells. The merit of the new algorithm is that it employs both photometric and shape information
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