Ключові слова:
стискання інформації, сжатие информации ; електрокардіограми, ЕКГ, электрокардиограммы, ЭКГ,electrocardiograms, ECG ; сортировка, сортування, sort, sorting, Sortierung, tri, triage ; JPEG 2000
This paper presents an effective and efficient preprocessing algorithm for two-dimensional (2-D) electrocardiogram (ECG) compression to better compress irregular ECG signals by exploiting their interand intra-beat correlations. To better reveal the correlation structure, we first convert the ECG signal into a proper 2-D representation, or image. This involves a few steps including QRS detection and alignment, period sorting, and length equalization. The resulting 2-D ECG representation is then ready to be compressed by an appropriate image compression algorithm. We choose the state-of-the-art JPEG2000 for its high efficiency and flexibility. In this way, the proposed algorithm is shown to outperform some existing arts in the literature by simultaneously achieving high compression ratio (CR), lowpercent root mean squared difference (PRD), lowmaximum error (MaxErr), and low standard derivation of errors (StdErr). In particular, because the proposed period sorting method rearranges the detected heartbea
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