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Ramirez, Lino
    A Support Vector Machines Classifier to Assess the Severity of Idiopathic Scoliosis From Surface Topography [Електронний ресурс] [Текст] / Lino Ramirez, Nelson Durdle, V.James Raso, Doug Hill // IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine . — USA, 2006. — 1. — Pp. 84 - 91.

- Ключові слова:

системи прийняття рішень, системы принятия решений, decision systems

- Анотація:

A support vector machines (SVM) classifier was used to assess the severity of idiopathic scoliosis (IS) based on surface topographic images of human backs. Scoliosis is a condition that involves abnormal lateral curvature and rotation of the spine that usually causes noticeable trunk deformities. Based on the hypothesis that combining surface topography and clinical data using a SVM would produce better assessment results, we conducted a study using a dataset of 111 IS patients. Twelve surface and clinical indicators were obtained for each patient. The result of testing on the dataset showed that the system achieved 69–85% accuracy in testing. It outperformed a linear discriminant function classifier and a decision tree classifier on the dataset.

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