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Roux, Emmanuel
    A Support Method for the Contextual Interpretation of Biomechanical Data [Електронний ресурс] [Текст] / Emmanuel Roux, AnnePascale GodillonMaquinghen, Patrice Caulier та ін. // IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine . — USA, 2006. — 1. — Pp. 109 - 118.

Автор: Roux Emmanuel, GodillonMaquinghen AnnePascale, Caulier Patrice, Bouilland Stephane, Bouttens Denis

- Ключові слова:

інформація, информация ; біомедицина, биомедицина ; інтерпретація, интерпретация

- Анотація:

In the clinical field, biomechanical data provided by advanced technical devices are still underexploited. Data analysis usually consists of extracting attributes or computing synthetic values from temporal data and exploiting them by means of a monovariable statistical method. This article proposes a method to support clinicians, especially those in orthopedics, in the contextual interpretation of biomechanical data. We propose to characterize temporal biomechanical data by means of fuzzy space–time windows and to induce fuzzy decision trees to map the biomechanical and clinical data related to patients. Then, we present amethod for objectively explaining a given clinical characteristic of a particular patient; this method is derived using the fuzzy rule base generated from the trees and a satisfiability measure. We have applied our method to real data in order to provide an objective explanation of the subjective self-evaluation of the functional status of patients with a shoulder prosthesis, and e

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