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Poree, Fabienne
    Blind Source Separation for Ambulatory Sleep Recording [Електронний ресурс] [Текст] / Fabienne Poree, Amar Kachenoura, Herve Gauvrit та ін. // IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine . — USA, 2006. — 2. — Pp. 293 - 301.

Автор: Poree Fabienne, Kachenoura Amar, Gauvrit Herve, Morvan Catherine, Carrault Guy, Senhadji Lotfi

- Ключові слова:

електроміографія, электромиография, electromyography ; електроенцефалограми, ЕЕГ, электроэнцефалограммы, ЭЭГ ; електрокардіограми, ЕКГ, электрокардиограммы, ЭКГ,electrocardiograms, ECG ; аналіз, анализ, analysis

- Анотація:

This paper deals with the conception of a new system for sleep staging in ambulatory conditions. Sleep recording is performed by means of five electrodes: two temporal, two frontal and a reference. This configuration enables to avoid the chin area to enhance the quality of the muscular signal and the hair region for patient convenience. The electroencephalopgram (EEG), eletromyogram (EMG), and elctrooculogram (EOG) signals are separated using the Independent Component Analysis approach. The system is compared to a standard sleep analysis system using polysomnographic recordings of 14 patients. The overall concordance of 67.2% is achieved between the two systems. Based on the validation results and the computational efficiency we recommend the clinical use of the proposed system in a commercial sleep analysis platform.

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