Автор: Penedo Monica, Lado Maria, Tahoces Pablo, Souto Miguel, Vidal Juan
Ключові слова:
стискання зображень, сжатие изображений ; мамографія, маммография ; JPEG 2000
The functionalities of the JPEG2000 standard have led to its incorporation into digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM), which makes this compression method available for medical systems. In this study, we evaluated the compression of mammographic images with JPEG2000 (16 : 1, 20 : 1, 40 : 1, 60.4 : 1, 80 : 1, and 106 : 1) for applications with a computer-aided detection (CAD) system for clusters of microcalcifications. Jackknife free-response receiver operating characteristic (JAFROC) analysis indicated that differences in the detection of clusters of microcalcifications were not statistically significant for uncompressed versus 16 : 1; and statistically significant for uncompressed versus 60.4 : 1, and 106 : 1. Although there is a small difference in peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) between compression ratios, the true-positive (TP) and false-positive (FP) rates, and the free-response receiver operating characteristic (FROC), figure of merit values considerably decreased from a 60 :
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