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Вища математика
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Вища математика. MatLab
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Обчислювальна математика
Математична фізика
Вища математика. Mathcad
Множини. Теорія
Guidelines for practical tasks of the educational discipline "Higher and applied mathematics" for foreign and English-learming full-time students of the direction 6.140103 "Tourism" [Текст] / compil. by le. Misiura; Kharkiv national university of economics. — Х. : ХНЕУ, 2012. — 35 p.
Guidelines to practical tasks in differential calculus on the academic discipline "Higner and applied mathematics" for full-time foreign students and students taught in English of training direction 6.030601 "Managenent" of specialization [Текст] : "Business Administration" / compil. by le. Misiura, V. Titarev; Simon Kuznets Kharkiv national university of economics. — Х. : ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця, 2014. — 59 p.
Guidelines to practical tasks on introduction to mathematical analysis of the academic discipline "Higher and Applied Mathematics" for foreigh and English-learning full-time students of training direction 6.030601 "Management" of the specialization [Текст] : "Business Administration" / compil. by le. Misiura, V. Titarev; Simon Kuznets Kharkiv national university of economics. — Х. : ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця, 2014. — 58 p.
Matematyka. Wspomagajaca zarzadzanie [Текст] / red. nauk.: Krzysztof Piasecki; Akademia Ekonomiczna w Poznaniu. — wyd. II poprawione. — Poznan : [b. w.], 2002. — 495 s.
Methodical Recommendations for the Conduct of the Practical Studies in the Educational Discipline "Higher Mathematics" for foreign and English-learning students of the preparatory direction "Managemen [Текст] / compil. by le. Ju. Misura; Kharkiv national university of economic. — Kharkiv : KhNUE, 2010. — 42 p.
Syllabus of the Educational Discipline "Higher and applied mathematics" for foreigh and English-learning full-time students of the preparatory direction "Tourism" [Текст] / compil. by le. Misiura; Kharkiv national university of economics. — Х. : ХНЕУ, 2011. — 99 p.