Зведений каталог бібліотек Харкова
Класифікатори та каталоги
Пастушенко А.
Texts and tasks on the academic discipline "The Social and Economic History of Ukraine" for students of all training directions, all forms of study [Electronic resource] [Текст] / compil. by A. Pastushenko; Simon Kuznets Kharkiv national university of economics. — E-text data (187 КБ). — Kharkiv : S. Kuznets KhNUE, 2016. — 65 p. — E-text data (187 КБ).
The History of Ukraine [Текст] : summary of lectures / Kharkiv national university of economics. — Х. : ХНЕУ, 2013. — 151 p.
The History of Ukraine from the ancient times to the late 18th century [Electronic resource] [Текст] = Історія України з найдавніших часів до кінця XVIII століття : textbook / consultant: V.M. Anokhin; comp. typesetting, programming A.O. Pastushenko; Semen Kusnets Kharkiv National University of Economics. — multimedia interactive electronic edition for combine use (739 Mb). — Kharkiv : Semen Kusnets KhNU of Economics, 2015. — 331 slides. — multimedia interactive electronic edition for combine use (739 Mb).