Ключові слова:
біоресурси, биоресурсы ; колекції вірусів рослин, коллекции вирусов растений ; захист рослин, защита растений ; вірусні хвороби рослин, вирусные болезни растений ; міжнародне співробітництво, международное сотрудничество, wspolpraca miedzynarodowa ; Туреччина, Турецька Республіка, Турция, Turkey, Turkiye Cumhuriyeti
Turkey is known as motherland for many plants. Research/study show that number of plant viruses and virus-like agents are present in Turkey and some of them firstly have been founded in turkey such as CCDV. There is need to conserve virus and virus-likepathogen as bioresources in a suitable way and facilitate of making further study for developing continual and successful control strategy against plant viruses. An in-situ collection started to be constructed from 2006 with collecting genetic resourcesof virus and viruslike agents. For this aim a general survey and biological, serological, histological and molecular detection activity is performing and then the founded agent will be conserved in green and screen houses at PPRI in Adana. At the moment, more than 10 virus and virus-like agents have been founded, detected and placed into collection.
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ББК науковий // Захист рослин
Окремі фонди та колекції КНУ // праці авторів КНУТШ, труды авторов КНУТШ, работы авторов КНУТШ