Автор: Kudrya V.Yu., Yashchuk V.M., Losytskyy M.Yu., Gusak V.V., Dacenko O.I., Kryvorotenko D.M., Balanda A.O., Yarmoluk S.M., Gumenyuk Ya.O.
The optical absorption, fluorescence and phosphorescence spectra of the newest investigated styryl dyes and the systems DNA+dye were studied. The changes of optical density D value of the DNA+dye solutions in wavelength regions 250+300 nm (that corresponds to the DNA first electronic transition) and 370:650 nm (that corresponds to a dye electronic transition) were measured under the irradiation of them by visible light. It was shown by spectral methods the Mn-Styr and Di-Styr-30 dyes are photochemically safe for the DNA; these dyes bound to the DNA are more photostable than in free state. The Di-Styr-24 and Dst-MdO dyes show slight phototoxic effect on the DNA. The versions of possible phototoxicity (and photostability) mechanisms are proposed.
Key Words: DNA, luminescent dye, optical absorption, phototoxicity.
Вивчені оптичне поглинання, флюоресценція та фосфоресценція нових стирилових барвників та відповідних систем ДНК+барвник. Досліджені зміни величини оптичної густини D розчинів систем ДНК+барв
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