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ThephotostKudrya, V. Yu.
    The Photostable Luminescent Dyes and Their Influence on the DNA [Текст] / V.Yu. Kudrya, V.M. Yashchuk, M.Yu. Losytskyy та ін. // Вісник Київського університету. — Київ, 2000. — 2000. — Р. 501-513.

Автор: Kudrya V.Yu., Yashchuk V.M., Losytskyy M.Yu., Gusak V.V., Dacenko O.I., Kryvorotenko D.M., Balanda A.O., Yarmoluk S.M., Gumenyuk Ya.O.

- Анотація:

The optical absorption, fluorescence and phosphorescence spectra of the newest investigated styryl dyes and the systems DNA+dye were studied. The changes of optical density D value of the DNA+dye solutions in wavelength regions 250+300 nm (that corresponds to the DNA first electronic transition) and 370:650 nm (that corresponds to a dye electronic transition) were measured under the irradiation of them by visible light. It was shown by spectral methods the Mn-Styr and Di-Styr-30 dyes are photochemically safe for the DNA; these dyes bound to the DNA are more photostable than in free state. The Di-Styr-24 and Dst-MdO dyes show slight phototoxic effect on the DNA. The versions of possible phototoxicity (and photostability) mechanisms are proposed.

Key Words: DNA, luminescent dye, optical absorption, phototoxicity.

Вивчені оптичне поглинання, флюоресценція та фосфоресценція нових стирилових барвників та відповідних систем ДНК+барвник. Досліджені зміни величини оптичної густини D розчинів систем ДНК+барв

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