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ChapkorsChapko, R. S.
    An alternating boundary integral based method for inverse potential flow around immersed bodies [Текст] / R.S. Chapko, В.Т. Johansson // Журнал обчислювальної та прикладної математики. — Київ : ТВіМС, 2011. — № 3 (106). — P. 10-25.

- Анотація:

Wе propose1 and investigate an alternating iterative procedure for the inverse problem of calculating the stream function on immersed bodies in an irrotational two-dimensional potential flow, given the stream function and its normal derivative on the surrounding channel walls. In the procedure, mixed boundary-value problems are solved in the channel with either a Dirichlet or a Neumann condition imposed on the immersed bodies, to generate a sequence of approximations to the stream function. Convergenceof these approximations to the stream function is shown in an appropriate norm, and it is proven that the procedure is a regularizing method.

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