літературні гуртки, литературные кружки ; літературна творчість, литературное творчество, tworczosc literacka
This study can be considered a new look at the Period of Servet-i Funun in the light of what the writers in this period wrote. We tried to find an answer for some questions such as how the youth who gathered around Servet-i Funun were educated, what kind of works they worked at, how they met each other, how they established a relation with the palace and the political power, how their literary life continued after the journal was closed. We tried to find an answer for the personal lives of literary names based on social life, which is often ignored by literary histories. Key words: Servet-i Funun, author, work, period, memoirs.
Запропоновано новий погляд на літературний гурт "Сервет-і фюнюн" через аніліз творчого доробку та громадського життя представників названого гурту. Визначено наріжні тенденції літературної творчості представників гурту.