Автор: Pavlenko Yu.N., Shablov V.L., Kyva V.O., Gorpinich O.K., Doroshko N.L., Stepanyuk A.V., Rundel O.I., Dulger L.L., Kasperovych D.V.
Ключові слова:
енергетика, энергетика, energy industry ; ядерна фізика, ядерная физика
Процеси збудження та розпаду високозбуджених резонансів 5Не в канал d + t досліджено в реакції 7 Li (d,a)5 He при енергії пучка дейтронів Ed = 37 MeB.
The processes of excitation and decay of high excited 5He resonances into the d +1 channel have been studied in the reaction 7Li(d, a)5He* at the energy of deuteron beam Ed = 37 MeV. In the inclusive spectra of a-particles in addition to the contributions of well known 5He resonances, the high excited states with excitation energies Ex~19 and Ex > 20MeV were observed. Cluster decay of these resonances was also identified in ad- and at-coincidence spectra. For the first time, the decay into the d +1 channel was observed for 5He resonances with Ex = 22 and 26 MeV. The determined resonance energy and width are partly agreed with the R-matrix analysis of data obtained at the study of d + 3H and n + 4He binary reactions. The possible Coulomb effects in three-particle channels of reaction 7Li(d, a)5He* are also analyzed for different conditions of observation of high excited 5He resonances.
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