гемоглобін, гемоглобин ; квантова фізика, квантовая физика ; нейтрони, нейтроны
The effect of low level doses of fast neutrons from 241Аm-Ве source on the structural properties of hemoglobin extracted from the blood collected from the irradiated guinea pigs to doses in the range 5 to 50 mSv were studied. The delayed effects of neutrons were also investigated for animals 60 days post the end of irradiation. The absorption spectra in the wavelength range 300-700 nm and dielectric relaxation spectra for the hemoglobin in the frequency range 500 Hz-4 MHz were studied. The molecular diameter (r), relaxation time (t), dielectric increment in the (b) region (De’) and colecole parameter (a) were calculated from the dielectric spectrum data. The R.B.Cs counts were measured for all animal groups. The results indicated that exposures of theanimals to the neutron doses demonstrated, which are within the limits recommended by the ICRP-60 (1991) resulted in pronounced changes in the molecular structure of the hemoglobin extracted from the collected blood, without measurable changes in the R.B.Cs counts and absorption spectra. Moreover, late effect studies indicated the injury of the blood generating system as a result of neutron effects on the animals.
Влияние малых доз нейтронов на структурные свойства гемоглобина у морских свинок (в естественных условиях и пробирке исследования).
Вплив малих доз нейтронів на структурні властивості гемоглобіну у морських свинок (в природних умовах і пробірці дослідження) .