Ключові слова:
знання, знания ; корупція в системі вищої освіти, коррупция в системе высшего образования ; корупція, коррупция ; освіта, образование, education, Bildung, oswiata ; симулякри, симулякры
В странах догоняющего развития, включая Россию, производство знаний нередко заменяется производством симулякров знаний: многие учащиеся системы профессионального образования, а также определенная часть соискателей ученых степеней (послевузовское образование) ориентированы на получение не реальных знаний, а дипломов (свидетельств, аттестатов), которые не подкреплены знаниями. В статье показано, что развитие производства симулякров знаний ведет к усилению социально-экономических неравенств и деградации общества практически в любой исторический период. Пример тому - развитие экзаменационной системы в средневековых странах конфуцианской цивилизации.
In the countries of the catching-up development, including Russia, production of knowledge is quite often replaced by production of simulacra of knowledge. Many scholars of systems of vocational education as well as some number of academic degrees seekers are focused on receiving not real knowledge, but diplomas (certificates) which aren't supported with sufficient knowledge and skills. Two main spheres of simulacra production are located in higher and postgraduate education. Development of production of simulacra of knowledge conducts to strengthening of social and economics inequalities and leads to gradual degradation at first education systems, and then and societies as a whole. The wide circulation of “purchase” of diplomas conducts to their devaluation: those people, whose diplomas correspond to their knowledge, are compelled to reduce the claims. It is shown in the article that development of production of simulacra of knowledge conducts to strengthening of social and economics inequalities and degradation of society, which is true for any historical period. Example of degradation of society under the influence of replacement of production of knowledge with production of simulacra of knowledge is development of examination system in the medieval countries of a Confucian civilization. The Chinese examination system at first functioned as the effective social elevator, but by modern times degenerated in system of self-reproduction of bureaucracy, slowly and partially updated by natives of well-founded social groups.
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