адміністративне право, административное право, prawo administracyjne ; адміністративне судочинство, административное судопроизводство ; адміністративний процес, административный процесс
У статті проаналізовано концепції щодо визначення поняття та розуміння природи адміністративного процесу. Схарактеризовано ознаки адміністративного процесу і зіставлено їх з ознаками адміністративного судочинства. Зроблено висновок, що розглядувані правові явища є відмінними за сутністю та призначенням формами діяльності представників влади.
В статье проанализированы позиции ученых относительно определения по-нятия и уяснения природы административного процесса. Охарактеризованы черты административногопроцесса и сопоставлены с чертами административного судопроизводства. Сделан вывод, что данные правовые явления являются отличными по своей сущности и предназначению формами деятельности представителей власти.
The article analyzes the viewpoint of the scientists on the definition and understanding of the administrative process subject matter. Two concepts of administrative process are mentioned - "managerial" and "jurisdictional". It is emphasized that the discussion on the validity of arguments in favor of or refutation of each of these concepts has lasted for almost half a century. It was remarked that the debate sharpened after the adoption in 2005 of the Code of Administrative Legal Proceeding of Ukraine because domestic scientists encountered the question of the correlation between such legal categories as "administrative process" and "administrative legal proceeding".
Features of the administrative process are characterized and compared with the features of the administrative legal proceeding in the article. Particularly the question is that a number of legal cases tried according to the rules of adminis-trative process is much wider than the range of cases that are resolved under ad-ministrative legal proceeding. As a matter of fact the process is a combination of multiple and diverse proceedings, most of which are focused on the creation of conditions for realization of individual rights, freedoms and interests. While proceeding is exclusively aimed at solving legal disputes. It is pointed out that administrative process accompanies activity of public administration representa-tives and administrative legal proceeding provides activity of representatives of judiciary. It was noted that to unify procedures that form the administrative process is impossible; rules of administrative legal proceeding are clear and deliberate as they have to ensure unity of jurisprudence.
As a result, it was concluded that the administrative process and administrative legal proceeding are different forms of government entities, and therefore they cannot be covered by one concept.