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СоломахаагСоломаха, А. Г.
    Ретроспектива та перспективи поліцейського права в Україні [Текст] / А.Г. Соломаха // Адміністративне право і процес : науково-практичний журнал. — Київ : Київський університет, 2013. — № 1 (3). — С. 283-295.

- Ключові слова:

історія права, история права ; адміністративне право, административное право, prawo administracyjne ; поліцейське право, полицейское право

- Анотація:

Статтю присвячено аналізу та узагальненню підходів до розуміння сутності та проблематики поліцейського права в період методологічної кризи поліцеїстики ХVІІІ-XIX ст. і визначенню на цій основі сучасних концептуальних засад поліцейської діяльності та можливості відродження поліцейського права в Україні як підгалузі адміністративного права, юридичної науки та навчальної дисципліни юридичного циклу.

Статья посвящена анализу и обобщению подходов к пониманию сути и проблематики полицейского права в период методологического кризиса полицеистики ХVІІІ - XIX ст. и определению на этом основании современных концептуальних основ полицейской деятельности и возможности возраждения полицейского права в Украине как подотрасли административного права, юридической науки и учебной дисциплины юридического цикла.

The purpose of this publication is the study of the nature and problems of police law science, forming a conceptual framework for police activity in Ukraine and on this basis justification opportunities revival police law science as sub admin-istrative law jurisprudence and academic discipline.

The term "police law" owes its existence to the so-called police state. The police state is a form of absolutism that prevailed in Europe in the second half of the XVIII - early XIX century. Characteristic features were its government care and intervention in all spheres of life, the removal of citizens from the state administration, subordination to the interests of the economy increase public treasury, the presence of an extensive bureaucracy.

Modern Russian legal dictionaries give his definition of police law "Police law - in the Russian Empire - industry legislation and scientific discipline, prototype of the administrative law. The subject of police law is the rule of internal governance. However Contents and the method of Police law science have not been precisely defined before the October Revolution of 1917.

On the verge of XIX - XX centuries there were no unity among domestic police law scientist in the vision of the fundamental principles of police law science. Analyzing scientific debate on police law science in the Russian Empire, the author concludes that the rule of law would not take place without police apparatus, as it cannot exist without police law.

During Soviet rule, the word "Police" was perceived negatively. Instead, consumer acquired the word "Militsiya". However, the word "militsiya" and "police" have different meanings and should not be used as synonyms. Essence of the state police is more consistent with the term "police". Therefore, it is appropriate to apply it. Under this seems relevant Law of Ukraine "About Police" which should be taken at least in 1991.

Modern European legal doctrine believes that police activity is a law enforcement activities, carried out by executive agencies that have the apparatus of state coercion. Thus, paragraph 1 of the Declaration on the Police adopted by the Par-liamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, May 8, 1979, law enforcement emphasizes the nature of police activity.

We agree with the position of scientist Kogut that police activity in Ukraine is a law enforcement activity of authorized by the state public administration, aimed at establishing law and order, with the possibility of the application of administrative compulsion accordance with the law.

In Ukraine police activity is realized not only by the bodies of internal affairs and Militsia. We have a lot of different state bodies of executive power that in fact re-alized this function and also associations of citizens in protection of public order and the state border. All those bodies and associations need to be renamed as po-lice according to their sphere of enforcement activity.

Today in Ukraine we can establish a new police law which differs from the classical police law in the domination of law enfor cement component.

In order to create proper conditions for the second birth of the police law as an independent subsector of administrative law and separate scientific discipline we recommend to take a number of system events in science of legislation of Ukraine, such as: remove existing methodological obstacles by renaming the "Militsiya" to "Police", legislate basic definitions of police law science; restore police law science as an independent branch of science; introduce in higher education profile a legal discipline "Police law science"; prepare programs, manuals, reading and other learning materials required to read full courses.

- Є складовою частиною документа:

- Теми документа

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