інтернет-видання, интернет-издания ; лінгвістика, лингвистика, lingwistyka, linguistica ; медіа-текст, медіатекст, media-text
У статті розглянуто вербалізацію синестетичного світосприйняття в сучасному медійному тексті мистецької тематики як один із засобів реалізації функції впливу на реципієнта в інтернет-виданнях, зорієнтованих на широку аудиторію.
This article is devoted to synaesthesem' world-view verbalization of modern media text relating to the study of art as a mean of realization of the function of influence on recipient in Internet-editions, directed towards wide audience.
The special status of media texts relating to the study of art of modern mass media style is determined.
The author analyzes mass media texts relating to the study of art, represented in the national nonspecialized editions, which enclosed particular headings about culture / art namely "Ukrainska pravda", "Den", "Ukraina moloda", "Tyzhden.ua".
It is ascertained, that one of the capability of taking an interest in information, of passing it better is usage of synesthesems - language units of synesthesia' world-view (combination of senses of taste and smell, senses of color and sound etc.). It is very important, that synesthesems of mass media style is used in order to influence on recipient, to interest him in further information for possible knowledge of another information (e. g., video or audio) by means of hyperreferences or by search of necessary, more detailed information by another Internet-sources, by visiting an exhibition, a concert, a performance, by reading a book etc.
Media text for the less educated audience ought to be not only interesting, expressive, but first of all it ought to be understandable. Consequently, compound synesthesia availabilities is ought to be limited. That language units shouldn't be additionally interpretated. Synesthesems may be grounded on stereotypes or decodated on further knowledge of work of art or a phenomenon of art. Only in this case the usage of synesthesems is motivated. This factor will contribute to opening of modern Ukrainian literary language' potential.