лінгвістика, лингвистика, lingwistyka, linguistica ; мас-медіа, масс-медиа, mass-media ; футбольна лексика, футбольная лексика, football lexicon
У статті у функціональному аспекті проаналізовано футбольні терміни та професіоналізми в засобах масової інформації. Проведено зіставлення лексем у первинній та вторинній стилістичних функціях, описано різницю між їх семантикою.
This article describes modern problem of medialinguistics, connected with sports lexicon. The author chooses football terms and professional words for analysis in a functional aspect. The article also deals with theoretical problems of definition of words describing football realities. The special attention is paid to the usage of football terms in primary and secondary functions. Particularly, three groups of football terms are investigated in the article, such as simple (one-component) lexemes (arbitrator, arbitration, penalty), complex lexemes (counterattack, outsider) and phrases (yellow card, red card).
The analysis shows that in primary function terms nominate football realities, such as names of rules, team players and other people working in a football field. In secondary nomination the lexemes mark the phenomena of politics, culture, economy and other spheres of social life. They are used in the media in a figurative sense, often in the form of metaphors or comparisons that provide a higher level of efficiency linguistic impact on the recipient. It helps to avoid verbose descriptions and also provides more brightness and dynamism to the text.
In this way, the author tries to represent that secondary nomination is one of the expressive dominants in the language of mass media, which directly serves to deepen the semantic structure of a media text.