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СтасюктвСтасюк, Т. В.
    Семантична спеціалізація концептів терміносфери новітніх технологій [Текст] / Т.В. Стасюк // Актуальні проблеми української лінгвістики: теорія і практика. — Київ : Київський університет, 2014. — Вип. 29. — С. 110-118.

- Ключові слова:

лінгвістика, лингвистика, lingwistyka, linguistica ; лінгвоконцептуальний аналіз, лингвоконцептуальный анализ, linguoconceptual analysis

- Анотація:

Здійснено аналіз явища семантичної спеціалізації та переосмислення термінологічних концептів у структурі концептосфери; встановлено й обґрунтовано специфічні властивості терміносфери новітніх технологій.

The comprehensive analysis of the phenomenon of semantic specialization and recognition of term-concepts in the structure of concept-sphere is performed; the essential features of term-sphere of high technologies are determined.

The article focuses on the phenomenon of semantic specialization and it rethinking of terminological concepts. The problem was not analyzed in the national linguistic science. The urgency of the issue becomes apparent after analyzing numerous changes, transformations, modifications in the structure of concepts / within the conceptual spheres faced by scholars examining the dynamics of their development. The purpose of the article is to investigate the specific cognitive processes explicated in modern scientific / professional / expert discourse. The tasks were to analyze the types of semantic specialization and the peculiarities of rethinking of terminological concepts in the structure of terminological sphere, that represents professional conceptual sphere, to provide specific properties of terminological sphere of high technology.

The author defines the terminological sphere as an open set of terminological units for the representation of the corresponding conceptual and semantic sphere and operating of knowledge in certain contexts of professional work, in scientific fields. The notion of terminological sphere is correlated in some way with the concept of scientific / professional / specialized conceptual sphere. The specificity of lingual organization of terminological sphere (the set of verbalized terminological concepts) is associated with the specific of lingual and mental blocks of terminological space, covering all professional activities in certain areas. As conceptual sphere, terminological sphere can be distinguished arbitrary, because it is determined only by the light of the minds of scientist / professional / expert.

Осуществлён анализ явления семантической специализации и переосмысления терминологических концептов в структуре концептосферы; установлены и обоснованы специфические свойства терминосферы новейших технологий.

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