інтерпретація, интерпретация, interpretation ; лінгвістика, лингвистика, lingwistyka, linguistica ; перифраз, перифраза, periphrase
У статті проаналізовано основні аспекти й методи дослідження перифрастичних одиниць, реалізовані у працях слов'янських і західноєвропейських стилістів другої половини 20-початку 21 століття.
The article deals with the analysis of the main aspects of periphrases research. The paper focuses on mass media functional style. Several researches have studied periphrasis as a functional semantic unit of speech that serves as a mean of figurative and descriptive characterization and contextual synonym of words. The purpose of this paper is to outline specific features of periphrasis linguistic studies.
Active using of periphrastic phrases in media texts proves that this phenomenon is an essential feature of media language. The article defines the tradition of periphrastic studies in different scientific paradigms. The term periphrasis was fixed in French studies, where it was adopted in other languages. Periphrastic studies intensified in the 60s of the 20th century.
Unfortunately, it is still no clear understanding of periphrasis. It is considered as a rhetorical figure, a means of secondary nomination or a unit of phraseology. The differences in the interpretation lead to ambiguous view on units that belong or not to belong to periphrasis. Traditionally it is regarded as a stylistic figure and the material of studies were mainly literary texts.
Ideas of famous scholars are involved into this investigation. We can emphasize on the main aspects of research: thematic, structural, functional. Periphrasis is considered as a feature of language, of media style, member of sentence. Studies gave some categorical characteristics of periphrasis as an object of axiological research.
Great attention is paid to the functional aspects of periphrasis. A detailed classification of functions is represented. Studies outlined functions of periphrasis such as informative, expressive, emotional and evaluative, euphemistically, emotionally expressive, nominative.
Another aspect of study is periphrasis as a part of persuasion theory. It is important according to expressive function of the media style.
There is little information available of structural classification of periphrasis of in the linguistic literature. There is little information available of structural classification of periphrasis of in the linguistic literature. In addition to the traditional explanation periphrasis is a descriptive combination of words. But it refers as one word, and sentence structure.
В статье рассмотрены основные аспекты исследований перифрастических единиц в языке масс-медиа, реализованные в работах славянских и западноевропейских лингвистов второй половины 20-начала 21 вв.