Зведений каталог бібліотек Києва


АдыгамовркАдыгамов, Р. К.
    Проблема периодизации исламского права: история и современность [Текст] / Р.К. Адыгамов // История государства и права : научно-правовое издание. — Москва : Юрист, 2008. — № 12. — С. 60-63.

- Ключові слова:

ісламське право, исламское право

- Анотація:

Article is related with problems of periodization of Islamic law. Author shows and analyse ideas of Islamic law scholars related with problems of it’s periodization. From all the periodizations - earlier proposed by scholar Ibn Kamal, which has been criticized by later theologians, such as Ibn Abidin and Shihabutdin Mardzhani. Also subjected to a detailed analysis of the ideas of such Tatar theologians, foreign and domestic scholars as G. Utyz-Imyani, S. Mardzhani, N.J. Colson, M. Khudri, M. Kattan, A.az-Zidan, M. as-Sais and B. Hashmatullah. As a result of analysis, the author dwells on the periodization of the history of Islamic law proposed by the contemporary Ukrainian researcher B. Hashmatullah consisting of four stages, but suggested some changes in the historical framework of the first and second stages.

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