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ModulationFranskevych, D. V.
    Modulation of cisplatin-induced reactive oxygen species production by fullerene C60 in normal and transformed lymphoid cells [Текст] / D.V. Franskevych, I.I. Grynyuk, S.V. Prylutska, O.P. Matyshevska // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal : scientific journal. — Kyiv, 2016. — Vol. 88, N 2, march - april. — P. 44-50.

- Анотація:

The early response of normal (Wistar rat thymocytes) and transformed (mice lymphoid leukemia L1210) cells to treatment with anticancer drug cisplatin or to combined treatment with cisplatin and carbon nanostructure fullerene C60 was studied. Cisplatin-induced ROS production was intensified in L1210 cells, while in thymocytes it was decreased. It is supposed that the different effects of combined treatment are associated with peculiarities of fullerene C60 accumulation and localization in normal and cancer cells.

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