| | Len, T. A. Transport properties of different types of nanocarbon materials with Co obtained by chemical method [Текст] / T.A. Len, I.V. Ovsiienko, V.A. Artemyuk та ін. // Fifteenth International Young Scientists Conference "Optics & High Technology Material Science SPO 2014" : devoted to 180th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko Nat. Univ. of Kyiv & 75th anniversary of its Chair of Optics, Kyiv, Ukraine, Oct. 23-26, 2014 : / Taras Shevchenko Nat. Univ. of Kyiv (TSNUK) [etc.] ; [progr. comm.: O.K. Zakusylo (head) et al.]. — Kyiv : Київський університет, 2014. — P. 91-92. |
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