кредитні спілки, кредитные союзы ; світовий досвід, мировой опыт ; Польща, Польша, Polska
У статті розглядається досвід функціонування кредитних спілок у Польщі. Зосереджено увагу на правових, історичних, корпоративних, економічних і соціальних аспектах розвитку кредитних спілок в Україні. Запропоновано напрями адаптації зарубіжної практики на вітчизняних теренах.
В статье рассматривается опыт функционирования кредитных союзов в Польше. Сосредоточено внимание на правовых, исторических, корпоративных, экономических и социальных аспектах развития кредитных союзов в Украине. Предложены направления адаптации зарубежной практики на отечественных просторах.
The article describes the experience of functioning of credit unions in Poland. The corporate, economic and social aspects of the development of credit unions in Ukraine are focused. The directions of adaptation of foreign experience on domestic spaces are proposed. In world practice, credit unions are created primarily for financial and social protection of members of the association, and then - to mutual credit. As you can see, this is one major difference that distinguishes credit – cooperative organizations from other financial institutions. In connection with the signing of an Association Agreement with the EU and the harmonization of Ukrainian legislation with the characteristics and requirements of the European Community considers it appropriate to consider the experience of credit unions in Poland. The peculiarity of credit-union movement in Poland is the large number of credit unions (59), whose members are more than 2 million people (about 38.5 million people) that despite this did not prevent them become one of the most
popular financial institution. To improve the financial stability of credit unions is necessary insurance. The experience of Polish system of savings and loan offices – SKOK, logical and effective way of meeting the needs of credit unions in insurance services in Ukraine are creating their own mutual insurance associations (SHS) cooperative credit system.
Another of the features of legal regulation of credit unions is that all EU credit institution must have a registered capital of not less than 5 million euro. Effective functioning of credit unions in Ukraine is complicated by the unregulated nature f supervision and control over their activities. We believe that it would be obliged to carry out supervisory authority on the basis of calculation of statements describing the financial condition and credit unions compliance risk management and advisory nature to make a decision to eliminate problem situations. However, government auditors should work closely with the
National Association of Credit Unions of Ukraine, which have been working in this field and has developed the method of calculation of financial indicators. It is for this scheme is Poland, where appropriate government agency in Financial Services shall monitor and control together with the National Association of Credit Unions of Poland. One of the biggest problems in Ukraine in the development of legislation on credit unions was developed by Canadian-American way. It provides that credit unions - a mutual fund that provide services only to its members, and only individuals. To adapt to the regulation of credit unions in accordance with the legislation of the European Union, in view of the above, we believe that we need to implement the Polish model. So given the global trends in the development of credit unions believe that it would be correct to introduce, monitor their activities to prevent fraud, the establishment of a mutual insurance association, creating the Deposit Insurance Fund member credit unions, the Stabilization Fund to maintain liquidity and financial recovery agencie.