паводки (повені) ; повені, паводки ; дощовий стік, дождевой сток ; Українські Карпати, Украинские Карпаты
На базі сучасної вихідної інформації по максимальному стоку гірського регіону виконано узагальнення розрахункових шарів паводкового стоку на річках Українських Карпат.
На базе современной исходной информации по максимальному стоку горного региона выполнено обобщение расчетных слоев паводочного стока на реках Украинских Карпат.
For the research and analysis of rainfall floods on the rivers of the Ukrainian Carpathians was used long-term hydrometeorological information about layers and water discharge of rainfall floods of warm period (as of 2010). Almost every year in one or another part of the region are formed rainfall floods, which approach or even exceed the historical size, such as rainfall floods in 1998, 2001 and 2008. Specialists periodicallyprecise the probability characteristics of exceptional repeatability. Statistical analysis of time series of runoff characteristics of rainfall floods (seasonal flood) is most often based on the method of moments, and in recent years - on the maximum likelihood method. Layers of river flow 1% probability, calculated on the basis of the curve of three-parameter gamma distribution with individual assessments and fixed ratio, varies depending on the geographical and altitude position of watersheds from 88 to 512 mm. Getting to spatial generalization of runoff layers in mountainous areas, it is necessary first of all to have in mind that the characteristics of the runoff in the mountains, in contrast to the lowland areas, not depend of geographical zoning but depend from altitude distribution. Because of this, mapping runoff values substantially impossible in mountainous or has certain difficulties. Therefore, in all cases it is desirable to bring the data to a single high-rise level and depending to it realize their spatial generalization. The second important factor that can upset the general pattern of runoff layer changes with height can be forested Fl. In the Carpathians, forested of watersheds is quite significant - from 18 % (r. Studeny) to 95 % (r. Candle) with the average for the region - about 60%. Increasing of the accuracy of calculation of the statistical parameters of time series of runoff characteristics can be achieved by combining sets within homogeneous landscape and hydrological areas. Jabour Khaldun and E. D. Gopchenko by the compatible analysis of fields presented to the height Hp = 500 m, the layers of flood flow and the variation coefficient Cv in the territory of the Carpathian region have been allocated 4 regions, as of 1988. The stated method has been tested inclusive of the results of statistical processing of time series of maximum flow rainfall floods on the territory of the Ukrainian Carpathians for 93 hydrological stations and posts to 2010, inclusive. The convergence of the result of statistical processing and methodology is satisfactory, that allows the use of the proposed zoning for the determination of settlement layers runoff of rainfall floods on the rivers Ukrainian Carpathians for the present day.