У статті дано огляд стану лавинної небезпеки у гірській частині Криму протягом 10 зимових сезонів 2003/2004-2012/2013 pp. Показано місця та число випадків із сходом снігових лавин протягом цих сезонів. Встановлено, що найбільш часто снігові лавини сходили в районі Ангарського перевалу у сезонах 2005/2006 pp., 2006/2007 pp., 2009/2010 pp., 2011/2012 pp. У районі Ай-Петрі сходження снігових лавин відбувалось майже кожного року, проте найбільше у зимовий сезон 2011/2012 pp. Випадки із заподіяною шкодою спостерігались у 4 з досліджуваних 10 зимових сезонів - 2005/2006, 2006/2007, 2008/2009, 2011/2012 pp. У зимовому сезоні 2012/2013 pp. сходу снігових лавин у досліджуваному регіоні Криму не спостерігалось. Вказано випадки сходу снігових лавин із нанесеннямзбитків для господарства.
В статье дан обзор состояния лавинной опасности в горной части Крыма на протяжении зимних сезонов 2003/2004-2012/2013 pp. Указаны места и число случаев схода снежных лавин на протяжении этих сезонов. Установлено, что наиболее часто снежные лавины сходили в районе Ангарского перевала в сезонах 2005/2006, 2006/2007 гг., 2009/2010 гг., 2011/2012 гг. В районе Ай-Петри сход снежных лавин наблюдался почти каждый год, но больше всего в зимний сезон 2011/2012 гг. В зимнем сезоне 2012/2013 гг. схода снежных лавин в исследуемом районе Крыма не наблюдалось. Указаны случаи схода снежных лавин с нанесением ущерба для хозяйства.
The article was given an overview of avalanche danger in the mountains of Crimea for 10 winter seasons 2003/2004-2012/2013 years. Observation of snow avalanches and special route surveillance of snow cover in avalanche cell were held at 2 stations involved in the execution of works snow avalanche - Angarsk pass (height MS - 765 m) and Ai-Petri (altitude MS - 1180 m ). Established the most avalanches are observed in the Crimea in the area of Chatyr-Dag mainly on the Eastern slopes and in the Central lobby. In the area of AI-Petri avalanches descend mainly along the southern slopes, which are steeper and directed to the side of Bakhchisarai highway. Angarsk pass avalanches came down mainly on the eastern slope Chatyrdag and some margins, including central. At Ai-Petri avalanches often descend on the southern slopes that are directed toward Bakhchisarai highway and near the margins of some. Avalanches during the studied season on a roll forming or sleet during thaws and snow cliff shelters ("wet" avalanche) or a roll of strong and prolonged snowfalls which were accompanied by a strong blizzard and snow-transfer ( "dry" avalanche blizzard genesis ). Near the Angarsk pass most cases of avalanches observed in the 2006-2007 biennium. (5), 2009/2010. (4) 2011/2012 years. (5) In the area of Ai-Petri studied during winter seasons 1-2 periods was primarily avalanches, but in the season 2011/2012 biennium. 7 such cases were. During the period studied only in winter season 2012/2013 season's. There was no east avalanches, due to the formation of low-power and no permanent snow cover in the Crimean mountains Angarsk pass over the studied winter seasons went small volume avalanches, and in the Ai-Petri over from 2005/2006, 2006/2007 to 2011/2012 biennium. Volume avalanches were mostly 20-80 m3 but were larger - 100 (2006/2007 biennium.), 120 and 200 m3 (2008-2009 years). During the studied time period observed 11 when avalanches prejudicial. One at Angarsk pass with damage to the ski lift, and the remaining 10 in the area of Ai-Petri overlay traffic, due to the release of avalanches bodies in Bakhchisaray highway. Cases of the damage observed in 4 of 10 studied winter seasons - 2005/2006, 2006/2007, 2008/2009, 2011/2012 years. In the last of those aforementioned seasons were the largest losses (numerous overlapping traffic on highway Bakhchisarai and its long clearance even involving heavy military equipment). During the winter seasons 2012/2013 years east of snow avalanches in the study region Crimea is not observed.