гірські породи, горные породы ; селі, сели, селеві потоки, селевые потоки ; Кримські гори
Узагальнено результати дослідження осередків прояву сельової активності та ерозійної діяльності у річковій мережі та тимчасових водотоках (яругах) у південно-східному сельовому районі Криму протягом останніх 10 років (2003-2013 рр.). Встановлено осередки найбільш потужної ерозійної діяльності у руслах та тимчасових водотоках. Виявлено найбільш вразливі ділянки ерозійної діяльності та імовірності виникнення сельових потоків у подальшому. У окремих випадках встановлено рівень збитків.
Обобщено результаты обследования центров проявления селевой активности и эрозионной деятельности в речной сети и на временных водотоках (балках) в юго-восточном селевом районе Крыма на протяжении последних 10 лет (2003-2013). Установлены центры наиболее мощной эрозионной деятельности в руслах и временных водотоках. Выявлены наиболее опасные участки эрозионной деятельности и вероятности образования селевых потоков в дальнейшем. В отдельных случаях установлен уровень ущерба.
Observed the results of the research centers ofmanifestation landslide activity and erosion of the river system and temporary streams (cliffs) in the southeastern region of Crimea landslide over the past 10 years (2003-2013 years). In the absence of symptoms directly landslide activity were summarized materials of observations of the manifestation of erosion activities in the study areas (mainly the South-Eastern district). The manifestation of erosive activity during this time was recorded in South-Eastern mud area of the Crimean mountains in the area in the area of active foci of mudflows - the flow of the river Ai-Serez (left tributary - Rocky beam, a tributary beam School), the crow river and its tributaries (left and right tributary - beam Hama), cliffs Stavluhar (right-hand tributary of Uskut), tributaries of the rivers Shelen and Kutlak (left tributary - beam Zaprudne), Potamis, Kuchuk-Karasu. Established most powerful erosion in the beds of streams and temporary during the studied decade (2003-2013 years) in the southeastern area of display mudflows in Crimea there was quite a strong erosive activity of destruction of rocks that form the slopes of river waterways, accumulation loose fragmental material rock and slope and re-formation of these deposits further deformation channels (raising the level of the bottom, or vice versa its erosion, silt deposits emergence of centers at the foot of the slopes). The most intense erosion activity occurred near the tributaries of the river Ai Serez (left tributary - Rocky gully, a tributary beams School) Voron river and its tributaries (especially the right tributary - beam Ham) cliffs Stavluhar (right tributary river Uskut), tributaries and rivers Chelun Kutlak (especially the left tributary - beam Zaprudna). In July 2006 due to the large amount of precipitation, which is 5 times higher than the rate of the river Kuchuk-Karasu was broken several dams and catastrophic flood occurred. Due to the significant loss in quantity and intensity of storm rainfall character in this period there were several mudflows floods (2011 - left tributary of river Voron) and 2013 - river Chelun). However, the emergence manifestation landslide flows were found. The intensity of display of erosion was quiet most of 2011 and 2012 years as a result of loss of less rainfall and its intensity. The most dangerous during the period was the focus of the beam - left tributary river Voron, due to uncontrolled construction in the immediate vicinity of the cottage removing soil and moving significant amounts of builders waste directly into the beam channel and river Chelun near the village Gurzuf.