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КурилосмКурило, С. М.
    Основні тенденції багаторічних змін мінералізації води та вмісту головних іонів у річках України [Текст] / С.М. Курило // Гідрологія, гідрохімія і гідроекологія : періодичний науковий збірник. — Київ, 2014. — Т. 3 (34). — С. 85-90.

- Ключові слова:

гідрохімічний режим, гидрохимический режим ; мінералізація води, минерализация воды

- Анотація:

Проаналізовано тенденції багаторічних змін характеристик гідрохімічного режиму у різні фази водного режиму для різних річок України. Встановлено основні тенденції трансформації хімічного складу річкових вод, а також їх зв'язок з глобальними кліматичнимизмінами.

Проанализироанны многолетние изменения гидрохимического режима рек Украины. Установлены основные тенденции трансформации химического состава речных вод, а также их связь с глобальными климатическими изменениями.

Climatic changes and value of anthropogenous load of watershed of the rivers can be main reasons. The article researched long-term changes in the chemical composition of rivers in Ukraine. Taking it into account for themost relevant tasks which arise for hydrologists and hydrochemicals are considered to be determination of modern regularities of streamflow and hydrochemical regime in conditions of warming which happens and assessments of such changes for the perspective. The mineralization of water and concentration of the main ionsin river waters change for many reasons. Studying has been executed on the Dnieper River, Desna River, Western Bug River, Southern Bug River and others. The analysis of longterm changes of the hydrochemical regime in different phases of the water found out next tendencies. The trend of increasing salinity of river water is detection. Main changes are taking place in the spring. During a spring overflow for all period of supervisions there was growth of mineralization of water: Sula - from 440 to 832 mg/dm3; Psel - from 370 to 840 mg/dm3; Vorskla - from 300 to 685 mg/dm3.The main factor there is an increased part of groundwater flow. In favor of this conclusion the following results of researches serve. The special executed calculations showed dependence between part of ground flow and chemical composition of water of the rivers. Studying found out direct dependence between these descriptions of the hydrological regime of the rivers. During last two decades decreasing of a part of alimentation by snowmelt is more than 10%. Moreover it is not more the main part of annual runoff. At the same time the part of baseflow increased and it became almost equal to the part of alimentation by snowmelt. There are close dependence between the change of mineralization and value of underground flow on the investigational rivers. As known, ground water has high mineralization, than surface water, that and affects chemical composition of river waters. Clearly, that grows of average mineralization of water and high concentration composition of river waters changes. High dependence is fixed between a ground water level of watershed of the researched rivers and value of mineralization. Low dependence is fixed between value of mineralization and direct receipt of permeates with rainfall waters, r = 0.2 and by the size of overflow-pipe of r = 0.1.

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