прикладна математика, прикладная математика, applied mathematics ; регресійний аналіз, регрессионній анализ ; теорія функцій, теория функций, function theory
Розглядається задача виключення змiнних в полiномiальнiй моделi регресiї, що виникає при пiдборi моделi. У випадку рiвномiрного розташування точок спостереження отримано ознаку рiвностi нулю оцiнки МНК параметрiв квадратичної моделi у виглядi рiвностi нулю лiнiйної комбiнацiї значень вiдклику зi сталими коефiцiєнтами. Цю ознаку можна використовувати для перевiрки гiпотези рiвностi нулю невiдомого параметра регресiї. У роботi також отримано таку ознаку для оцiнки МНК старшого коефiцiєнту полiномiальної регресiї, побудовано алгоритм для знаходження коефiцiєнтiв вiдповiдної лiнiйної комбiнацiї.
The problem of exclusion of variables in polynomial regression model is examined that arises in the selection of model. In the case of the uniform arrangement ofobservation points sign of equality to zero OLS estimation of parameters of quadratic model as a equality to zero of linear combination of values of regressand with constant coefficients is obtained. This sign can be used for testing hypothesis of equality to zero of unknown regression parameter. Testing of this hypothesis is carried out by using the likelihood ratio criterion, which determines to accept the hypothesis if corresponding linear combination less some positive number. Otherwise a criterion rejects a hypothesis. This number for all three parameters of quadratic model is found; it depends on the level of meaningfulness, with that a hypothesis will be accepted, from residual sum of squares of rejections and from dispersion of estimation examined parameter.
Such sign is obtained for the OLS estimation of leading coefficient of polynomial regression also at the paper. The coefficient at the value of regressand yi in linear combination is presented as a polynomial of degree k from discrete variable i, where k - degree of leading coefficient of polynomial regression. The coefficients of this polynomial depend from k and from n, where n + 1 - is number of observation points. They can be presented as a decision of the system of linear algebraic equalizations of the special kind. Elements of matrix of this system are sums of squares of degrees of natural numbers, they depend from n. An algorithm that allows to express the decision of the system of order k through the decision of two systems of order k - 1 with identical matrices and different columns of free terms is built. The matrix of the systems of order k - 1 is analogical to the matrix of the system of order to k. Due to this algorithm it is possible to present decision of the system of order k as formulas at arbitrary n. For this purpose it is needed to write the decisions k systems of order 1 (it is simple fractions, the numerator of that is sum of squares of degrees of natural numbers, the denominator is number of observation points),further, it is needed to write the decisions k - 1 systems of order 2 and so on, two systems of order k - 1 and in conclusion decision of the desired system. For k = 3 and k = 4 the coefficients at the value of regressand yi, i = 0, 1, ..., n, are found in an obvious kind; they are presented as rational fractions from to the variable of n.