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DadykadiDadyka, D. I.
    Implementation of the modern plasma simulation codes via PIC method for parallel computing systems [Текст] / D.I. Dadyka, I.O. Anisimov // Вопросы атомной науки и техники. — Харьков, 2003. — № 4. — Р. 64-67.

- Ключові слова:

обчислювальні системи, вычислительные системы ; рівняння Пуассона

- Анотація:

The comparison of common open source software for the simulation of plasma via particles-in-cell (PIC) method using parallel computing systems is presented. The problems of field equation solving, load balancing, general-purpose computing on graphics processing units are considered. All the reviewed programs have some disadvantages, in particular associated with the used field solving methods, data caching and with lack of the adaptive grids support. The approach for cache misses minimizing based on the particles sorting is brought forward. The algorithm for effective Poisson solving is proposed.

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