водні ресурси, водные ресурсы, water resources, water supply, Wasserreserven f pl ; гідрологія річок, гидрология рек ; гідрологія, гидрология, hydrologia ; повені, паводки
На базі сучасної вихідної інформації по максимальному стоку гірського регіону виконано просторового узагальнення розрахункової тривалості схилового припливу дощового стоку до руслової мережі на річках Українських Карпат. Обчислювальна процедура встановлення тривалості схилового припливу заснована на теорії руслових ізохрон, яка дозволяє ураховувати увесь діапазон площ водозборів та вплив місцевих чинників на розрахункові характеристики схилового стоку.
На базе современной исходной информации по максимальному стока горного региона выполнено пространственное обобщение расчетной продолжительности склонного притока дождевого стока в русловою сети на реках Украинских Карпат. Вычислительная процедура установления продолжительности склонного притока основана на теории русловых изохрон, которая позволяет учитывать весь диапазон площадей водосборов и влияние местных факторов на расчетные характеристики склонного стока.
The duration of the slope inflow are among the leading of parameters in the calculation formulas of the maximum modification of flow which are part of the structure in an explicit or latent form, as well as other characteristics of the prechannel flow during the formation of rainfall floods and spring floods.
For the development, methodology for calculating of the characteristics the maximum runoff of rainfall floods of the Ukrainian Carpathians Rivers had been selected operator type structure [3, 4], which eliminates some of the disadvantages arising from the use of normative document of SNIP 2.01.14-83.
Computational procedure for establishing the duration of the slope inflow in the structure of formulas had been based on the theory of the isochronous channel, is more complex in comparison with the most simple variant that can be implemented in the structures of geometric models.
Determination 0T of the structures (2) and (3) it has been complicated by the fact that in each of them 0T , except coefficient of the channel-floodplain regulation also has an unknown F [epsilon] . In turn, the existing equation do not form systems. Therefore, each of the equations must be considered in two stages (overlapping restriction on parameter F[epsilon] ), assuming the first stage F [epsilon] = 1.0. It should also be noted that under these conditions in the first step algebraic way will only be solved equation (3). According to equation (2), from which was begin of the procedure definition it is 0T a transcendent type and for their solution requires the use of computational methods. Enough effective, in our opinion, could be the use of a methods simple one-step iteration.
Ends computer computing procedure is final values, which are to be inspected for their dependence on local factors (forest coverage, wetland, karst catchments) and their height position.
Based on the data derived from the study of the influence of major factors on the duration of the flow of water from the slopes to the channel network, the values have been compiled by 0T them on the territory of the mapping. Figure 3 of the characteristic has been reflected in the form of isolines that are conducted (for greater accuracy in determining the value 0T ) in steps 20 hours. In some places where there are high gradients of the parameter, the step between isoline may be 10 or 60 hours. As seen from Figure 3, the range of the duration the flow of water from the slopes in the channel network of rainfall floods the warm period, shown in Нcp = 500 & fл ? 50%, and the territory is large enough - from 30 to 150 hours. Analysis of the maps shows that some general patterns in change the value the territory 0 Т is not, however, it was possible to identify some of the features or regularities within separate regions. Yes, it should be noted areas of karst phenomena, which had been marked a significant increase in the duration the slope inflow.